Some paths could lead to a dead end, or you could give your hamster an option of two different tunnels to go through, leading to two different parts of the maze. Get the best deals on hamster maze when you shop the largest online selection at. Not all routes need to lead to the teepee. Climb stairs, balance on swing, crawl over balls, roll through tubes and pass many other funny and interactive barriers. Home Browse Printables Award Certificates Borders Coloring Pages Paper Signs Stationery View Cart.
The maze and solution are available as free PDF downloads.
The game is set to include wide array of cosmetic items allowing players to customise the looks of their hamsters and make them feel completely unique. Guide your funny and cute hamster through the maze full of obstacles. Free printable hamster maze activity sheet for kids. We added a little teepee as a finish point, and placed a treat inside for our hamster to find. Hamster Maze is an arcade game enriched by a Tamagotchi component owners are to train and take care of their pets to make sure that they have the best shot at winning. Hamster Maze Online is a fun obstacle vertical game in which you play as a little hamster who runs free through all kinds of platforms. It is made to mimic the wild burrows of hamsters, which will help them stimulate their instinct to explore. Hamster mazes can include short pieces of tunnel. Small rewards can be placed along the way, and it can be fun to time your hamster to see how fast it learns to find its way to the other side. Thin cardboard to make the walls, tunnels and other parts of the maze.Ĭreate walls, tunnels, bridges, caves and more, securing them to your box using non toxic glue. The maze has 2 openings and 6 compartments. A hamster maze is a puzzle for your hamster that allows it to exercise its brain and body to find its way through a series of passages.

Hamsters love to play and explore! There are many toys and treats available to buy for your furry friend, but wouldn’t it be great to design and construct an exciting maze for them? They are easy and fun to make and will provide hours of fun!